1. penalty; sentence; punishment
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (64 in total)
(police) detective; criminal matter
cops and robbers (hide-and-seek game)
cops and robbers (hide-and-seek game)
death penalty; capital punishment
prison; penitentiary
criminal law books
(criminal) punishment; penalty; sentence
Ministry of Justice (in Tang-dynasty China)
place of execution
prison term
burning at the stake; execution by burning
criminal law; penal code
punishment without a legal trial; vigilantism
reduction of penalty; commutation of a sentence
exile; banishment; deportation
death by hanging; execution by hanging
life imprisonment; life sentence
penal servitude
(penalty of) imprisonment
judge's sentence; assessment of a case
execution; death by execution
divine punishment
jail sentence; imprisonment
financial penalty; fine
execution of a sentence (esp. imprisonment)
instruments of punishment
life imprisonment
criminal offense; criminal offence
severe punishment
second most severe of the five punishments of ancient China (castration for men, confinement for women)
maximum punishment; maximum sentence
heavy sentence
corporal punishment; punishment by mutilation
criminal jurisprudence
corporal punishment; physical punishment; prison sentence; penal servitude; imprisonment with hard labour
five punishments (of ancient China: tattooing, cutting off the nose, cutting off a leg, castration or confinement, death); five punishments (of the ritsuryo system: light caning, severe caning, imprisonment, exile, death)
indeterminate sentence
nulla poena sine lege; no punishment without law
freedom-restricting punishment; imprisonment
definite term (of a prison sentence)
death by hanging
supplementary punishment
penalty designations
corporal punishment; physical punishment
jail; prison; punishment
having served time in prison; ex-convict; (arch.) eunuch
execute by shooting to death (by firing squad)
statutory penalty
death penalty
theory of retribution; retributivism; retributive justice
stripping of honours (as a means of punishment); stripping of rights; public humiliation
financial penalty; pecuniary punishment
condemned person; prisoner
criminal law
principal penalty
model; pattern; copy
stoning (punishment)
discretionary sentence; discretionary penalty
imposing a punishment
retributivism; retributive justice; principle of punitive justice; belief that crimes deserve suitable punishment
tattooing (form of punishment in ancient China)
Examples (1 in total)
The accused was condemned to ten years in prison.