1. group; bunch; crowd; throng; swarm; band
2. group
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (109 in total)
group (of people); crowd; horde; throng; mob; multitude
large crowd; large herd; large flock; large school; large shoal; swarm
island group; archipelago
mountain range; cluster of mountains; mountainous region
meteor swarm; meteor shower
group theory; theory of groups
the blind masses; the ignorant masses; the unenlightened masses; many blind people
group (of people); crowd; horde; throng; mob; multitude
crowd; community; group; herd; gathering; assembly
group; flock; crowd; wide expanse (of flowers)
to surpass the rest (e.g. of a large group); to stand out from the crowd; to be the best by far
growing en masse in one location (of plants); living gregariously (of animals); living in flocks, herds, colonies, etc.; all animate creation
lively group (usu. young people); dynamic bunch; group (art)
a crowd or large number of one's retainers or subjects
to swarm; to crowd; to flock together
rival chiefs
carrying out in a large group
trifling; minor; petty
asterism; pattern of stars which do not form a constellation
population (e.g. of animals)
carrier strike group; CSG
data aggregate; data constellation
information group
gather a group together
to divide into groups
myotome; muscle group
acquired immune deficiency syndrome; AIDS
many books; many writings
multitude of opinions
group of problems; set of issues
group of languages (i.e. the Romance languages, considered as a subset of the Italic languages); group of words
group of galaxies
family of products; product aggregate; product family; product line
(geol) group
Abelian group; commutative group
trojan group
social animal; group animal
group velocity (in fibre optics, fiber optics)
volcanic group
biota; fauna
formation; classification of plant communities
school grouping system
patent thicket; patent cluster
herd intelligence; collective intelligence
space group
clade; family
Abelian group; commutative group
renormalisation group; renormalization group
experimental group
excellence; pre-eminence
non-Abelian group; noncommutative group
in crowds; in a group; in swarms
consonant cluster
lattice group
group delay (in fibre optics, fiber optics)
Trojan group
class group
effective microorganisms; EM
suburban districts
traditional architectures preservation district
linkage group (genetics)
compound preposition; complex preposition; phrasal preposition
data tag group
protocol suite; protocol set
model group
trunk group
test group
ranked group
name group
name token group
Ediacara fossil biota
general adaptation syndrome
group selection
group marriage
symplectic group
acute radiation syndrome; ARS; acute radiation sickness
the masses; the people; populace
fundamental group
sister group; sister taxon
point group; point cloud
wallpaper group
wallpaper group
group action
coliform (bacteria) count; total coliform
additive group
solitude; seclusion; isolation
Examples (1 in total)
Japan has been received into the family of free nations.