Usually written in kana
1. waste; scrap; garbage; dregs
2. scum; piece of trash; loser
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (55 in total)
wastepaper; scrap of paper; paper scraps
lint (as in a clothes dryer or a pocket); waste thread; fibers, such as might wrap around the gears in small mechanisms and cause them to jam; fluff
scrap iron
wastebasket; wastepaper basket
wood chips; wood offcuts; wood shavings; sawdust
ragman; junkman; garbage man
scraps of seaweed; death at sea (metaphor)
vegetable scraps
wastepaper; scrap of paper; paper scraps
trash; garbage; junk
scrap iron
scum of society; good-for-nothing; vermin
wastebasket; dustbin
watery grave (metaphor)
wood shavings
waste meat; meat scraps; offal
wastebasket; wastepaper basket
scrap iron
scraps; chips
cotton waste; flue
wastebasket; wastepaper basket
trash; junk; garbage; worthless product
oakum; tow
scrap iron
flock; (bits of) down
vegetable scraps
wastebasket; dustbin
ragpicking; ragpicker
scrap metal
flock; (bits of) down
waste thread
trash; garbage; junk
lint (as in a clothes dryer or a pocket); waste thread; fibers, such as might wrap around the gears in small mechanisms and cause them to jam; fluff
wood chips; wood offcuts; wood shavings; sawdust
scum of society; good-for-nothing; vermin
wastebasket; wastepaper basket
ragman; junkman; garbage man
waste meat; meat scraps; offal
scraps; chips
trash; junk; garbage; worthless product
scrap metal
cloth scraps
cuttings; scraps
garbage in, garbage out
waste cocoon (silk); bad cocoon; damaged cocoon
duck-billed eel (Nettastoma parviceps)