Adjective (な)
Adjective (の)
1. empty; vacant; hollow
Pitch accent
Composed of
emptiness; vacuum; blank
Examples (23 in total)
The bag is empty.
The shelves are empty.
The jar is empty.
The parking lot is empty.
The can is empty.
I found the room empty.
I opened the box, but it was empty.
The bus arrived empty.
Our fridge is empty.
This bag is empty.
This bottle is empty.
Tom's bed's empty.
Your account is empty.
They found the room empty.
All the houses in town were empty.
The supermarket shelves were almost empty.
My cup's empty.
The room has been empty for a long time.
The register was empty.
One of the suitcases is completely empty.
All the desk drawers were empty.
Hell is empty, and all the devils are here!
The house was empty except for a cat.