1. sky; the air; the heavens
2. weather
3. far-off place; distant place
4. state of mind; feeling
often as 〜空もない
5. (from) memory; (by) heart
usu. as 空で
6. falsehood; lie
7. somehow; vaguely
before an adjective
8. fake
before a noun or a verb
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (52 in total)
having vague fears; feeling alarmed; feeling gloomy (about the future); feeling apprehension
broad bean (Vicia faba); horse bean; fava bean
off the top of one's head; from thin air; from memory
inattention; absent-mindedness
to feign ignorance; to play dumb
mishearing; (feigned) deafness; homophonic translation of song lyrics for comic effect
to fly in the sky
to play dumb; to feign innocence
body; one's fortune
broad bean (Vicia faba); horse bean; fava bean
accidental resemblance
having vague fears; feeling alarmed; feeling gloomy (about the future); feeling apprehension
feigned sleep; playing possum
to fly in the air
to feign ignorance or unconcern
feigned laughter
crocodile tears
vain hope
weather; course of events
false or crocodile tears; feigned sadness
to cover up the sky (e.g. smoke)
imitated cry (of an animal); lie
clear sky; cloudless sky
to pretend not to know; to feign ignorance; to tell a lie; to lie
crocodile tears
empty words
beautiful sky
high in the sky
mishearing; (feigned) deafness; homophonic translation of song lyrics for comic effect
vague recollection; faint memory; rote memorization; rote memorisation
air travel; air trip
look of the sky; weather
clear autumn sky
feigned laughter
away from home; while travelling
absentminded response
accidental resemblance
seeing something that isn't actually there; hallucination; pretending not to see; looking the other way; looking upwards
flight (plane)
fake; fabrication
neon damselfish (Pomacentrus coelestis); heavenly damselfish
fabricated dream
high in the sky
feeling ashamed or embarrassed without knowing why
(arch.) type of loom used in olden times; loom; traditional loom
sky on New Year's morning
crematorium smoke rising in the sky
arching backward; looking up
changeable weather
Examples (74 in total)
The sky cleared up.
The sky was a deep blue.
Who is looking up into the sky?