1. finance; financing; credit transacting; loaning of money; circulation of money
Adjective (の)
2. monetary; financial; credit
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (55 in total)
financial crisis
bank debenture bond
Financial Services Agency; FSA
financial institutions; banking facilities
consumer credit (finance, loan)
finance business; moneylending business
money lender; financier
financial district
financial products; financial instruments
financial market; money market
financial capital
black-market lending; illegal loan
black-market lending; illegal loan
financial asset
finance-related; financial
international finance
financial circles; the financial community
financial system
monetary policy
financial engineering
financial panic; financial crisis
monetary easing
financial derivative; derivative
restructuring of the financial industry; reorganization of financial systems
financier; investor
financial literacy
financial instability; financial uncertainty; financial turmoil; financial unrest; financial jitters
State Minister in Charge of Financial Affairs
monetary tightening; credit squeeze; credit crunch
financial Big Bang (1996-2001)
financial fraud
finance corporation
financial service
financial crime
minister in charge of financial affairs
financial panic
loans for low-income people
financial reform
financial assistance; financial support
low-interest credit
fund procurement by stock issue; stock collateral loan
financial risk
Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering; FATF
Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering; FATF
financial authorities
financial collapse
monetary stringency; tight-money situation
financial analyst
market manipulation; monetary operation
indirect financing
financial inclusion; availability and equality of opportunities to access financial services
Examples (3 in total)
Tokyo, as you know, is one of the financial centers of the world.
Modern finance is becoming increasingly complicated and sophisticated.
More students are interested in finance than in industry.