Adjective (の)
1. money; cash
Pitch accent
Composed of
gold (Au); golden (color); valuable; of highest value; money; gold coin; Friday
sen (hundredth of a yen); coin made of non-precious materials; one-thousandth of a kan (as a unit of currency); (arch.) one-thousandth of a kan (as a unit of mass)
Used in vocabulary (14 in total)
monetary; financial; pecuniary
sense for (how to use) money; money sense
money matter; question of money; money trouble
Examples (8 in total)
It can't be measured in terms of money.
Money is the measure of worth.
We should not place too much emphasis on money.
The value of a good education cannot be measured in terms of money.
She was robbed of her money on her way home.
Real friendship is more valuable than money.
You can't count on him for financial help.
As is often the case with young people, he was indifferent to money.