1. rich person
Pitch accent
Composed of
money; metal
having; holding; wear; durability; charge; expense
Used in vocabulary (2 in total)
rich person
very rich person; the super rich
Examples (70 in total)
She's rich.
Do you want to be rich?
I found out that Kate was wealthy.
He seemed to have been rich.
He seems to have been rich.
I was a rich man.
He is said to be rich.
She must have been rich.
Sami became rich.
I thought he was rich.
I know you're rich.
I'm not as rich as I was.
He married his daughter to a rich man.
Indeed he is rich, but he is not reliable.
He is the richest man on earth.
For all his wealth, he is not contented.
He seems to be rich now.
His uncle appeared rich.
The rich are not always happy.
The rich are apt to look down on people.
The old lady believes him rich.
I wish I were as rich as you.
If I got rich, I would buy it.
He is said to have been the richest man in the village.
No rich people live here.
I believe he is going to be rich one day.
The success of her novel made her rich.
She is engaged to a rich man.
Judging from her appearance, I think that she's rich.
The lawyer has a lot of wealthy clients.
I heard that Tom got married to a rich woman.
Mike is proud of his father being rich.
He's rich, young and handsome.
He is rich enough to keep a servant.
He was very rich, and therefore could buy a mansion.
Even the richest man cannot buy everything.
There once lived a rich man in this town.
Judging from her appearance, she seems to be very rich.
He wasn't happy in spite of all his wealth.
I wish I were as rich as he.
Children whose parents are rich do not know how to use money.
People say that he is the richest man in this town.
He says he's related to that rich family.
The richest man in the world cannot buy everything.
She taught rich Indian girls.
She is not rich enough to waste money.
We insisted on rich and poor being treated alike.
He worked day and night so that he might become rich.
Accordingly as people become rich, they are apt to be stingy.
Jane always pretended that she was very rich.
He talks as if he were rich.
Once upon a time, there lived a poor man and a rich woman.
People look at things differently depending on whether they are rich or poor.
I am not rich, nor do I wish to be.
No matter how rich people are, they always want more.
He is rich enough to buy that car.
No matter how rich a man is, he cannot buy love.
If I were rich, I would buy a fine house.
I'm not rich but have so much to offer.
Just because he's rich, doesn't mean he's happy.
Judging from those facts, Mr Mori must be a wealthy person.
He is rich enough to buy the furniture.
People see things differently according as they are rich or poor.
The rich merchant adopted the boy and made him his heir.
If he had taken my advice then, he would be a rich man now.
Mr Smith, whose car I borrowed for this trip, is a rich lawyer.
If I had bought the painting then, I would be rich now.
She is rich, young, and beautiful.
There is Mr James who they say is the richest man in the village.
During the Depression in the 1930's, many wealthy people lost everything in the stock market crash.