Verb (する)
1. prohibition; inhibition; ban
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (36 in total)
No Entry; No Trespassing; No Admittance; off-limits; restricted; forbidden
ban; prohibition; interdiction; injunction
ban on entering (a building, venue, etc.)
love ban; talent agency rule forbidding clients from getting involved in romantic relationships
prohibition of use (of); ban on using (something)
prohibited item; banned item
curfew; lockdown; grounding
do not enter; no entry; wrong way
negative statute; law against something
No Entry!; no thoroughfare; passage prohibited; entry is prohibited
complete prohibition
no photographs; no photography
words you can't say on TV or radio; taboo words banned from broadcasts
no food or drink (e.g. as a sign in a library, etc.); no eating or drinking
No Parking; Parking Prohibited; prohibition of parking; parking ban
interdict; prohibition order; writ of prohibition
ban on import; import ban; import prohibition; prohibition of importation
prohibition of sale
ban (from accessing a website, network service, etc.); blocking access
antimonopoly; antitrust
no right turn
reimposition of an embargo; reprohibition
period of prohibition of remarriage; period after the cessation of a marriage in which the woman is prohibited from remarrying (100 days)
reproduction prohibited
no left turn
no crossing; do not cross
Not to be taken out; Reference Only
non-negotiable bill
physical forwarding prohibited; PD PR
conversion prohibition
Examples (33 in total)
Littering is prohibited.
No dirty jokes!
It goes without saying that pets are not allowed.