1. church; congregation
Pitch accent
Composed of
religion; cult
meeting; assembly; party; society; association; club
Used in vocabulary (43 in total)
church; cathedral; chapel
Western Church; Western Christianity
Eastern Orthodox Church; Orthodox Church
Roman Catholic Church
Unification Church (religious movement started by Reverend Sun Myung Moon)
church member
church history
non-denominational; churchless
The Eastern Church
church calendar
(Roman) Catholic Church
branch temple or church
the early church; the primitive church
the Presbyterian Church
Universalist Church
Evangelical Church
the Low Church
Society of Friends; Quakers
Eastern Catholic Churches; Uniate Churches; Eastern-rite Catholic Churches
Armenian Church; Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church
The Central Church of Holy God
ecclesiastical province
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Examples (87 in total)
That's a church.
We went to church.
Today I won't be going to church.