Adjective (い)
1. strong; potent; competent; domineering; tough
2. strong; brawny; powerful; healthy; rugged
3. good (at); skilled; knowledgeable
4. being able to handle; know how to deal (with); durable (against); resistant (to); resilient
as 〜に強い
5. firm; rigid; solid
6. intense; strong; fierce; high
7. dependable; trustworthy
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Top 200
Used in vocabulary (37 in total)
strong interaction; strong force
strong-willed; strong of heart
strong-willed; strong of heart
windy; windswept; blowy
strong-minded; strong-willed; having great willpower
stout heart; strong mind
aggressive; pushy; in-your-face
windy; windswept; blowy
windy; windswept; receive harsh treatment
egoistic; selfish; self-willed
mentally strong; strong-willed
egoistic; selfish; self-willed
good at fighting; usually wins a fight
harsh tasting; strongly alkaline tasting; excessively strong-willed; fiercely individualistic; strongly idiosyncratic
having the luck to escape trouble (your behaviour has landed you in)
in good shape; strongly built; in good health; having a strong constitution
determined; strong-willed
good at fighting; usually wins a fight
having a strong alkaline taste; harsh to the taste; excessively strong-willed; fiercely individualistic; strongly idiosyncratic
hard-nosed; strong-willed; determined; unyielding; stubborn; resolute
harsh tasting; strongly alkaline tasting; excessively strong-willed; fiercely individualistic; strongly idiosyncratic
windy; windswept; harshly treated; greatly criticized
powerful spectacles; strong glasses
firm; persevering; flexible and hard to break
hard-nosed; strong-willed; determined; unyielding; stubborn; resolute
having a strong alkaline taste; harsh to the taste; excessively strong-willed; fiercely individualistic; strongly idiosyncratic
windy; windswept; receive harsh treatment
good at fighting; usually wins a fight
harsh tasting; strongly alkaline tasting; excessively strong-willed; fiercely individualistic; strongly idiosyncratic
having a strong alkaline taste; harsh to the taste; excessively strong-willed; fiercely individualistic; strongly idiosyncratic
hard-nosed; strong-willed; determined; unyielding; stubborn; resolute
great sinners make great saints (after repenting)
firm; flexible and hard to break; persevering
Examples (149 in total)
He's strong.
That man is strong.
I firmly believe.