Adjective (い)
1. strong; potent; competent; domineering; tough
2. strong; brawny; powerful; healthy; rugged
3. good (at); skilled; knowledgeable
4. being able to handle; know how to deal (with); durable (against); resistant (to); resilient
as 〜に強い
5. firm; rigid; solid
6. intense; strong; fierce; high
7. dependable; trustworthy
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Top 200
Used in vocabulary (37 in total)
strong interaction; strong force
strong-willed; strong of heart
strong-willed; strong of heart
Examples (149 in total)
He's strong.
That man is strong.
I firmly believe.
He was small, but strong.
What a strong wind!
How strong he is!
The pain was so intense that I couldn't sleep.
But it's very strong actually.
My brother is stronger than me.
He has a strong will.
This rope is strong, isn't it?
Your perfume is too strong.
Tom is the strongest.
Tom is possessive.
Tom isn't as strong as before.
He is extremely strong.
Imported cars are in strong demand.
He is stronger than I am.
He is eager for success.
The wind grew stronger and stronger.
She's a woman of strong character.
A strong wind arose.
Only the strong survive.
It was cold, and, in addition, it was windy.
He has a strong body.
My father doesn't drink hard liquor.
They are as strong as us.
That flower has a strong smell.
This guard is very strong.
That primary school has a strong soccer team.
I recommend it strongly.
A strong yen is shaking the economy.
Swimming makes your legs strong.
He is tall and strong.
He is possessed of a strong fighting instinct.
The rain is beating against the window.
Which is stronger, a tiger or a lion?
Elephants are strong animals.
This car is resistant to rust.
Please turn up the air conditioner.
I take a strong attitude toward her.
A tiger is bigger and stronger than a cat.
This whisky is too strong.
When I woke up this morning, it was raining hard.
I was deeply moved by that.
That's a pretty strong statement.
I have a keen interest in politics.
He was dazzled by the bright light.
I'm big and strong.
A strong wind blew all day long.
A heavy frost is expected tonight.
The gas gives off a strong, bad smell.
Our baseball team is very strong.
We need a really tough guy.
I fell down the stairs and hit my back very hard.
The ship swayed in the strong wind.
This flower gives off a strong fragrance.
They are strongly opposing my proposal.
Your team is stronger than ours.
There was a strong wind that day.
I hit my head hard against the wall.
The bridge couldn't sustain the force of the strong current and collapsed.
I had my umbrella blown off by the strong wind.
He was overwhelmed by the intensity of her love.
They had their houses destroyed by a strong earthquake.
Milk makes us strong.
Everybody in the world desires peace.
It's dangerous to expose babies to strong sunlight.
This lamp sends out a powerful beam.
She shut her eyes because the light was so strong.
He is strong, brave and, above all, kind.
Jim kicked the ball very hard.
That tendency is strong among Americans.
The lawyer insisted on his innocence.
China is working on developing strong artificial intelligence.
The Soviet Union took a hostile attitude toward us.
Public opinion was strongly in favor of the project.
Several politicians exerted strong pressure on the committee.
Black beetles are stronger than red beetles.
Tom has a heavy German accent.
Generally speaking, men are stronger than women.
I feel a strong attraction to the music of Beethoven.
He has a strong influence over the business world.
The flyweight champion contended with a strong challenger.
They think they're stronger than me.
I don't have the strength to keep trying.
I don't like windy days.
Your arms and legs have grown strong enough.
The warrior is conscious of both his strength and his weakness.
This years goal is to become a stronger woman.
Then he kicked the ball hard.
There is a strong bond between the brothers.
I want to become both physically and mentally stronger.
I strongly suspected that he had been lying.
This boy has a strong and healthy body.
Children are very curious and ask many questions.
People tend to require strong stimuli.
My wish to go abroad is very strong.
He is eager for a chance to study abroad.
They carried on with the plan in spite of strong objections to it.
He has a great attachment to this town.
I was drenched to the skin because of the heavy rain.
He is very strong--so much so that no one can defeat him.
The wind was so strong that the windows rattled.
He was much affected by the sad news.
You need to have strong thigh muscles to skate.
She is very biased against abstract painting.
It was apparent to everybody that our team was stronger.
He showed a lot of enthusiasm for the development of new products.
Let's get home before this rain gets any stronger.
The ship made slow progress against the strong wind.
Our teacher urged us to study harder.
He won the game thanks to his strong will.
Passions weaken, but habits strengthen, with age.
They carried on with the construction in the face of strong opposition from the residents.
John is a strong believer in fresh air.
Generally speaking, men are physically stronger than women.
Mary and I remained firm friends for years.
Even the strongest man can't stop a typhoon.
First beat the eggs and add them to the soup.
What is most important is your strong will to master English.
He was strong enough to help his father on the farm.
Beth has a strong habit of interrupting people while they are talking.
In the speech, he referred to the strength of the company.
My parents are very religious people.
She seems shy, but has a strong will in practice.
She braked hard when she saw a child run out into the road.
That commercial makes a strong impression - especially the music. It stays in your head.
He is not a person who has strong racial prejudice.
The strength of the firm is attributed to its future-oriented strategy.
My dream is to become a very strong mahjong player.
This is the strongest dog that I have ever seen.
They are keen for their sons to live together.
I was interested in him because his paintings really impressed me.
We insist that this project be carried out immediately.
I urge you to tell him the truth.
He banged his head against a shelf and got a big lump.
Ammonia is a colorless liquid or gas with a very strong smell.
The aggressive salesman urged me to sign the contract right away.
Mariko's parents are strongly opposed to her marrying an American.
He argued that the new policy was bound to drive the economy into recession.
The mother insisted on her children not playing in the park after dark.
Health advocates have pushed for laws restricting work-place smoking.
Taro has a strong sense of responsibility.
I wish I were as strong as you.
He felt himself seized by a strong arm from behind.
She has a great wish to travel around the world.
Japan's competitiveness is very strong in industrial products, but weak in agricultural products.
He ruled for five years. In the sixth year, another king, who was stronger than he, waged war against him.