1. bad luck; bad fortune
2. evil; wickedness
usu. 凶
Kanji used
bad luck
Pitch accent
Top 15700
Used in vocabulary (31 in total)
atrocious; fiendish; brutal; villainous
dangerous weapon; lethal weapon; deadly weapon; murder weapon
ferocious; brutal; atrocious; savage; barbarous
ringleader; main culprit; main cause; source
violence; murder; crime
most ominous; most sinister; most atrocious; most evil
bad harvest; poor crop
calamity; misfortune
terrible luck; very bad luck
bad luck (result from fortune telling); evil countenance
dangerous weapon
bad news; news of a death; death notice
star of bad omen
assassin's bullet
scoundrel; ruffian; villain
the four inauspicious beasts from Chinese mythology
doom; fate; misfortune; disaster
catastrophe; assassination; calamity; disaster
bad year; bad harvest
villain; outlaw; assassin
extreme brutality; atrocity; heinousness; heinous nature
crime; offense; offence
unlucky house
outlaw; rebel; rioter
great harm (esp. to a person); murder
poor crop year
gang; gangsters