Verb (する)
1. competition; contest; rivalry; race
2. competition (between organisms or species)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (35 in total)
competitor; rival
struggle for existence
competition rate; success rate; ratio of successful (applicants) to total applicants
Examples (28 in total)
The competition has become fierce.
We're not afraid of competition.
Competition is very keen in the car industry.
It's fun to watch the race.
He endeavored to win the contest.
Isn't that how competition works?
Several companies are competing for the contract.
Competition in the domestic market is cutthroat.
We are in a fierce competition with that company.
Competition is not by nature evil.
Competition is neither good nor evil in itself.
We face competition from foreign suppliers.
And yet, in the "real adult world" there are a lot of competitions.
Both Tom and Mary are really competitive.
Jane and Mary are always competing for attention.
To many people today, "competitive" is a bad word.
I like to play sport for fun not for competition.
Having fallen victim to increased competition, the company went bankrupt.
The newcomers will have to compete with each other for a promotion.
Only by prohibiting nuclear weapons altogether can we stop the arms race.
In the case of commercial airplanes, private companies compete to sell their product.
Fair competition is necessary for the healthy growth of industry.
The two companies are competing with each other.
He came in fifth in the race.
She won the one hundred meter race.
Ben ran a 100-meter race with Carl.
She set a new Japanese record in the 100 meter dash.
She was strong enough to run a 10-mile race.