Verb (する)
1. supply; provision
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (24 in total)
Examples (44 in total)
The newspaper supplies news.
Water was supplied from outside.
Supply is relative to demand.
The city supplied food for the children.
Cows supply us with milk.
Supply will soon overtake demand.
We have supplied the villagers with food.
Supplies of oil are not infinite.
The Great Lakes supply drinking water.
Sheep provide us with wool.
The Red Cross supplied the hospital with blood.
The city supplied the needy with blankets.
They supplied the village with water.
The city is well supplied with water.
They supplied the villagers with food.
We supplied them with food and clothes.
The lake supplies water to the village.
Food supply shows steady improvement.
Supply of oil from the Middle East may be disturbed.
Brazil supplies us with much of our coffee.
He furnished the hungry with food.
The expedition's supplies soon gave out.
This is the pipeline which supplies the town with gas.
Japan depends on overseas countries for the supply of raw cotton.
This lake supplies our city with water.
Can you supply me with everything I need?
We supply parts to the auto manufacturer.
We must provide food and clothes for the poor.
The province supplies its neighbors with various raw materials.
This dam supplies us with water and electricity.
The organization furnished the refugees with food.
They supplied the war victims with food.
A gas stove provides the most even heat for cooking.
The store can supply us with anything we need.
This power station alone provides several cities with electricity.
Recently the demand for this product has increased faster than the supply.
People take electricity for granted until its supply is cut off.
Scientists will come up with new methods of increasing the world's food supply.
Cows supply milk.
Bees provide honey for us.
The river supplies cities and villages with water.
We depend upon the river for the supply of water to drink.
The town is supplied with water from a reservoir in the hills.
When his food supply ran short, he had to look for a new place to live.