1. 10^16; 10,000,000,000,000,000; ten quadrillion
usu. けい
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (44 in total)
proceeding to the capital (Tokyo)
jinghu (2-stringed Chinese instrument played with a bow)
classical Chinese opera
mizuna (Brassica rapa var. nipposinica); potherb mustard
Kyoto (city, prefecture)
Kyoto Prefecture
new capital
being in the capital (i.e. Tokyo, or formerly Kyoto)
Heian-kyō; ancient Kyoto
Heijō-kyō (ancient name of Nara)
Kyoto style; urbanity; refinement
Kyoto woman
Kyoto dialect; Kyoto accent
Kyoto vegetables; vegetables traditionally grown in and around Kyoto
standard measurement for the distance between pillars in the Kansai area (approx. 197 cm); Kyoto-size tatami mat (approx. 190 cm by 95 cm)
Kyoto man; man from Kyoto
the direction of Kyoto; Kansai area; citizens of Kyoto; nobles
Kyoto's children; Kyoto's young people, who are noisy and gossiping on the least pretext
Kyoto's children; Kyoto's young people, who are noisy and gossiping on the least pretext
Kyoto's children; Kyoto's young people, who are noisy and gossiping on the least pretext
British capital; London
former capital region (i.e. Kyoto and its environs)
departure from the capital
Nagaoka-kyō (capital of Japan 784-794)
the two capitals (e.g. Tokyo and Kyoto, Chang'an and Luoyang)
coming to a capital city (esp. Tokyo or Kyoto)
gossipy Kyotoite
Kyoyuzen dyeing; Kyoto printed silk
vicinity of Kyoto
Kyoto products
traditional Kyoto dance
the dreams of Kyoto, the dreams of Osaka
financially ruining oneself by buying too many clothes (as a fabled tendency of the people of Kyoto)
even in bustling cities there are places that have a rural quality to them; (lit.) (even) Kyoto is rustic in places
ruddy turnstone (species of sandpiper, Arenaria interpres)
shrimp-shaped taro variety
Kyoto's children; Kyoto's young people, who are noisy and gossiping on the least pretext
somewhat reddish purple
public official stationed in the capital (under the ritsuryo system)
style that is fashionable in the capital
water from the capital (Kyoto), rumored to have a whitening effect; type of washing lotion from the end of the Edo period