Verb (する)
1. refusal; rejection; denial; veto
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (12 in total)
Examples (27 in total)
My plan was rejected.
His application was rejected.
Your suggestion will be rejected by the teacher.
My boss turned down his proposal.
Her application for leave was refused.
I refuse to consent to that plan.
The caller refused to give us his name.
The President refused to answer the question.
You should've rejected such an unfair proposal.
The embassy denied political asylum to foreign refugees.
She refused to accept the money.
That he refused our proposal was big surprise to us.
He refused to give them the information.
The government refuses to bow to public pressure.
Tom refused to follow Mary's advice.
Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat for a white passenger.
The troops refused to obey the command.
Not only did he refuse to help me, but also he scolded me.
The president politely declined to answer the delicate question.
It was very sensible of him to reject the bribe.
When the company refused to increase their wages, they walked out.
A strike is a mass refusal to work by a body of employees.
We asked him to face the press but he refused to.
When I asked him to lend me some money, he turned down my request.
The committee rejected the proposal on the ground that it was impractical.
The soldier refused to fire his rifle at the enemy.
He turned down her request for a day off.