1. (cow's) milk
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (8 in total)
coffee-flavored milk; coffee milk
dairy; milkman
homogenized milk; homogenised milk
Examples (72 in total)
Is there any milk left?
Do you have some milk?
Have you brought the milk?
I can't drink milk.
There isn't any milk left.
Oh, I forgot to buy milk.
Why is milk white?
Milk does not agree with me.
Can I have some more milk?
We can't drink milk.
The boy is drinking milk.
Add a little milk.
There's only a little milk left.
Blend milk and eggs together.
The milk froze and became solid.
Butter is made from milk.
Mary likes milk very much.
Do your children drink milk?
Don't let Tom drink any milk.
Milk is a popular beverage.
Melanie is drinking milk.
Try this milk.
Kate drinks a lot of milk every day.
I drink milk because it's good for your bones.
Buy some milk on your way home.
There's nothing in the refrigerator except milk.
She can't do without milk.
The girl buys milk at the market.
He mixed sugar with milk.
Cows supply us with milk.
How many days ago did you buy milk?
This milk tastes odd.
Milk is nutritious.
The milk tastes sour.
This milk smells funny.
I drink milk straight from the carton.
I am allergic to milk.
This milk tastes sour.
Milk makes us strong.
This milk won't keep till tomorrow.
I always drink milk before going to bed.
I must buy some milk.
He drinks a lot of milk every day.
Kids, drink milk every day!
I always drink milk with my breakfast.
The cow supplies us with milk.
There was a little milk left in the bottle.
When I was a child, I was always drinking milk.
Don't you know cheese is made from milk?
He satisfied his hunger with a sandwich and milk.
I drink coffee with milk every morning.
Cheese and butter are products made from milk.
I try to always drink milk with breakfast.
If you want to grow up, you have to drink a lot of milk.
Add a little more milk to my tea, please.
I always drink a glass of milk before going to sleep.
I usually have a glass of milk for breakfast.
The cows grant us their milk, and the chickens grant us their eggs.
Milk boils at a higher temperature than water.
He bought eggs and milk from a farmer.
Milk has to be kept at a relatively low temperature.
The doctor advised me to drink more milk.
He had barely enough money to buy bread and milk.
I bought two bottles of milk.
Cows supply milk.
We need another two litres of milk.
I bought a carton of milk from the supermarket.
I drank a glass of milk this morning.
This cake contains flour, milk, eggs and sugar.
Milk can be made into butter, cheese, and many other things.
She makes a point of drinking a glass of milk every morning.
We buy milk and eggs from a farm about three miles from our house.