1. weeping; lamenting
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (36 in total)
Konaki Jijii (a ghost in Japanese folklore with the shape of a small old man and having a baby's cry)
faking crying; crocodile tears
weeping for joy; crying with happiness
crybaby; blubberer
being about to cry; the verge of tears
sobbing; sob; weeping
laughing while crying; smiling through one's tears; (alternately) laughing and crying; tears and laughter; joy and sorrow
crying hard; crying one's eyes out; loud crying; wailing; profuse weeping
face contorted and about to cry
crying oneself to sleep; giving up in frustration; accepting meekly; being compelled to accept a situation
crying (of an infant) at night; baby colic
crying in sympathy; infectious crying
feigned tears; crocodile tears
mole under the eye (supposedly due to having cried)
persuasion by tears; using tears to get one's way; sob story
man's weeping (esp. someone not prone to tears)
tearful face
tearful face
genuine crying
professional female mourner; keener
weak point; vulnerable point; Achilles' heel
maudlin drinker; person who is prone to crying when drunk
screaming fit; tantrum; (baby) crying hysterically
parting in tears; tearful parting; coming to grief; having to take a different tack; going separate ways
quiet weeping
crying with laughter
false or crocodile tears; feigned sadness
professional male mourner; keener
persuasion by tears; using tears to get one's way; sob story
make-believe crying
crying (of a peevish baby)
crying for joy
Examples (1 in total)
He cried and cried.