1. holiday; day off
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (8 in total)
working on a day off
substitute national holiday; day off in lieu of a national holiday that falls on a Sunday; compensatory holiday
the day after a holiday
Examples (28 in total)
Tomorrow is a holiday.
Have a nice holiday.
Christmas is a special holiday.
Enjoy your holidays.
Next Monday is a holiday.
Where did you spend your holidays?
The day we arrived was a holiday.
We camped there over the holiday.
I don't want to ruin Tom's holiday.
We spent our holiday in Boston.
Workaholics view holidays as a waste of time.
All the students like holidays.
In spite of the rain, we enjoyed our holiday.
She spends her holidays at her uncle's.
He enjoys reading novels on holiday.
They are all away on holiday this week.
I spent the holidays decorating the house.
We had a wonderful holiday in Sweden.
The store was crowded with holiday shoppers.
In common with many people he likes holidays.
All the schools are closed on that holiday.
We used to go on holiday to the seaside.
The workers demanded more money and holidays.
We spent our holiday exploring rural France.
I'd like to spend my holidays reading history books or classics.
She talked her husband into having a holiday in France.
I used to fish for hours on holidays.
What with the rain and a bad hotel, we didn't enjoy our holiday much.