1. stuffing; packing
づめ when a suffix
2. end (esp. the foot of a bridge)
3. lowest-ranking guest at tea ceremony
4. tea master
5. endgame (esp. in shogi or used figuratively)
6. sweet eel sauce
7. middle-aged woman
8. appointment to a particular workplace
9. using as the sole ground of judgement (judgment)
10. continuing; keep doing for period of time
after the -masu stem of a verb
Kanji used
packed with
Pitch accent
Top 15600
Used in vocabulary (36 in total)
to draw near; to draw closer; to press (e.g. for an answer); to hound
to cram; to stuff; to jam; to squeeze; to compress; to pack
station; office; guardroom
to crowd (a house); to throng to (a door)
having a poor endgame; missing at the last turn
combination; assortment (of goods); assorted basket or box (e.g. of chocolates)
to stare at each other; to lock eyes with
filling; packing material; stuffing; padding
to draw near; to draw closer; to press (e.g. for an answer); to hound
to repack; to refill
stand-up collar
to crowd (a house); to throng to (a door)
chess problem; composed shogi problem
to stare back at; to look back at
to be or remain always on hand
to pack an assortment of goods, etc.
stuffing a shopping container for a fixed price
rote learning; education that stresses memorization
to take another good look at; to reconsider; to analyze; to reexamine
lowest-ranking guest at tea ceremony; tea master
to stare at each other; to lock eyes with
getting one's finger caught (e.g. in a door); getting one's finger pinched; jamming one's finger in a door; yakuza finger-cutting ritual
retrenchment; curtailment
hair pulled tightly back in a bun
cramming (e.g. for an exam)
to repack; to refill
to stare back at; to look back at
composed go problem
bargaining; negotiation; turning one's body to the left or right and standing (when leaving the presence of nobility, etc.); sailing close-hauled; sailing on a close reach
to frequent tirelessly
to take another good look at; to reconsider; to analyze; to reexamine
to pack an assortment of goods, etc.
lowest-ranking guest at tea ceremony; tea master
(belief in the desirability of) education by rote learning
kimono with completely attached sleeves (i.e. lacking an opening on the side under the armpit)
white clover (Trifolium repens); Dutch clover