1. congress; parliament; diet; legislative assembly
Pitch accent
Composed of
discussion; deliberation; thought; opinion
meeting; assembly; party; society; association; club
Used in vocabulary (32 in total)
council (consultatory, advisory); board of trustees
Imperial Diet; legislative assembly of Japan (1889-1947); Imperial Diet; legislative assembly of the Holy Roman Empire
city council
federal parliament; federal congress
national assembly (esp. France)
parliamentarism; parliamentary government
Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly
village assembly
European Parliament
state legislature; state or provincial parliament
parliamentary democracy
local assembly
town council
prefectural assembly (in Kyoto or Osaka)
prefectural assembly
parliamentary election
joint committee of both houses
ward council
Hokkaido Prefectural Assembly
US Congress
European Parliament
upper house; senate
British parliament
General Council of Trade Unions of Japan
lower house (parliament, congress, diet)
British parliament
lower and upper houses being controlled by different parties; (lit.) twisted parliament
prefectural assemblies
hung parliament
Examples (3 in total)
They introduced a bill in Congress.
Do you know when the first parliament came into being?
The queen is going to address parliament next week.