Adjective (の)
1. duty; sense of duty; honor; honour; decency; courtesy; debt of gratitude; social obligation
Adjective (の)
2. in-law; relation by marriage
Pitch accent
Top 14200
Composed of
morality; righteousness; meaning; teachings; doctrine; nonconsanguineous relationship (i.e. of in-laws)
reason; principle; general principle (as opposed to individual concrete phenomenon); (in neo-Confucianism) the underlying principles of the cosmos
Used in vocabulary (18 in total)
social relationship; friendship
dishonesty; injustice; dishonor; dishonour; ingratitude
doing one's duty
in all conscience; in honour; in duty bound
obligation chocolate; chocolate given by women to male colleagues, etc. out of obligation on Valentine's day
one's sister-in-law; stepsister (elder)
one's brother-in-law; stepbrother (elder)
father-in-law; foster father; stepfather
duty and humanity; (a sense of) moral obligation and humane feelings
mother-in-law; foster mother; stepmother
to fail in one's social duties
to be faithful; to do one's duty
one's brother-in-law
failing in one's duty (e.g. to someone)
parent-in-law; parents-in-law
perfunctory; going-through-the-motions-sort of (invitation, gift, etc.)
sexual intercourse permitted (by a woman) due to a sense of obligation (rather than desire)
sexual intercourse permitted (by a woman) due to a sense of obligation (rather than desire)
Examples (2 in total)
Tom is Mary's son-in-law.
My brother-in-law passed away last Wednesday.