Adjective (の)
1. orbit; trajectory
2. railroad track
3. (right) track; proper course
Pitch accent
Composed of
rut; wheel track; distance between two wheels; gauge
road; path; way; set of practices; Buddhist teachings; Taoism; modern administrative region of Japan (Hokkaido)
Used in vocabulary (28 in total)
course correction; trajectory change; orbital adjustment
trackless; reckless; dissipated
geostationary orbit; geosynchronous orbit
continuous track; caterpillar track
low orbit; low earth orbit; LEO
handcar railroad; handcar railway
circular orbit
earth orbit; geocentric orbit
elliptical orbit
orbital plane
orbital eccentricity
polar orbit
heliocentric orbit; circumsolar orbit
orbital motion
orbital mechanics
semi-major axis (esp. in orbital matters)
geosynchronous orbit
orbital inclination
ICO; Intermediate Circular Orbit
orbital electron
molecular orbital; MO
orbital function
semi-minor axis (esp. in orbital matters)
orbital eccentricity
railroad track gauge
orbital resonance
orbital maneuver
Examples (4 in total)
The artificial satellite was launched into orbit.
The orbit around Sirius is elliptical.
A satellite was launched into orbit to monitor melting glaciers.