Adjective (の)
1. symbol; code; sign; notation
Pitch accent
Composed of
account; history; chronicle; Kojiki; Records of Ancient Matters
number; edition; sobriquet; pen-name; size (of printing types, canvases, knitting needles, etc.); suffix attached to names of ships, trains, airplanes, etc.
Used in vocabulary (79 in total)
symbolization; coding; encoding
chemical symbol (e.g. H for hydrogen); element symbol
G clef; treble clef
chemical symbols (for the elements)
symbol string
phonetic symbol
to represent by signs
symbol characteristic; nature of a symbol
semiotics; semiology
F clef; bass clef
unit symbol
musical symbols; musical symbol; musical notation
dollar sign ($)
phonetic symbol
time signature
call number (e.g. of a book in a library)
specific symbol
message indicator
currency sign; currency symbol
class symbol; class mark
logic symbol
symbolic analysis
dynamics mark; dynamics marking
pilcrow; paragraph mark; paragraph sign
yen symbol
caret (symbol for omitted word)
number sign; hash sign; pound sign
repeat sign; repetition mark
natural (sign)
(Japanese) postal symbol
weather symbol
schematic symbol
concept symbol
relation indicator
basic symbol
symbolic address
symbolic language
delimiter; separator
aiming symbol; aiming circle; aiming field
graphic symbol
addition sign
tracking symbol
decision symbol
flowchart symbol
symbol indicating a repeated character
supplementary symbol (number, punctuation, etc.)
articulation mark; articulation marking
tempo indication; tempo marking; (a) tempo
factory mark; manufacturing plant identification mark (on goods)
modulation symbol (flat, sharp, etc.)
@ sign; at sign
Examples (4 in total)
I can't understand this sign's meaning.
What does this sign mean?
I don't know what this symbol stands for.