1. rule; regulation
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (33 in total)
irregularity; unsteadiness; disorderly
regular; well-regulated; systematic; orderly
systematic; regular; routine
Examples (40 in total)
Don't go against the rules.
Rules are to be observed.
They are ignorant of the rules.
We must follow the rules.
You must not violate the regulations.
Tom doesn't know the rules.
I explained the rules to her.
Mayuko explained the rules in detail.
This rule isn't suited to the present situation.
You must observe the rules of the dormitory.
There are exceptions to every rule.
The rules were recently relaxed.
The rule should be revised.
Can we apply this rule in this case?
Remember these rules.
She's good at getting around rules.
We punished him according to the rules.
He advocates a revision of the rules.
This rule cannot be applied to that case.
I explained the rule to him.
We have very strict rules here.
They lost the game but observed the rules.
These regulations ought to be observed by the students.
There are no special rules as regards what clothes we should wear.
The rule does not apply to his case.
The student body is opposed to the new rules.
We should do away with these old rules.
This rule does not apply to the case.
It is now necessary to add another rule.
I know more or less about the rules of this game.
These are the rules; act accordingly.
All of the rules must be in line with company policy.
What you did is against the rules.
We can apply this rule to that case.
The regulation was abolished, but then it was reenacted.
All members must follow these rules.
There is a very strict rule forbidding smoking in bed.
The rules drivers should keep are as follows.
It seems appropriate to apply these rules to the voiceless consonants.
I don't know how to legally get around those regulations.