Verb (する)
1. regulation; (traffic) policing; control; restriction
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (25 in total)
traffic restrictions; traffic control
voluntary restraints; self-limitation
deregulation; removal (easing) of (official) restrictions; relaxation of regulations
regulation; legislation
tightening of regulations
gun control
export controls
self regulation
deregulation; removal (easing) of (official) restrictions
speed limit; speed regulation
total volume control; regulations on total allowable volumes of pollutants
regulatory reform
usage restrictions
abolition of regulations; deregulation
environmental regulation
regulatory body
controlled substance
price control; price regulation
Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter (1972); London Convention
control function; regulatory function; policing function
regulatory oversight
government rules on structure, staffing, etc. of local bodies (e.g. police force)
min-min kisei; deals between companies which restrict competition
Examples (7 in total)
We should do away with this regulation.
Import restrictions have been greatly loosened of late.
We can lift the restrictions on imports once the joint agreement is signed.