Adjective (の)
1. season; time of year
Pitch accent
Composed of
season (in nature, sports, etc.); seasonal word or phrase (in haiku); year
occasion; time; section (of a literary work); paragraph; season; term; principle
Used in vocabulary (15 in total)
unseasonable; out of season
sense of the seasons; feeling of seasonality
in these times; in times likes these; the season being what it is
seasonal winds
changing seasons; season's transition; transition from one season to the next; turn of the seasons; turning of the seasons
seasonal laborer; seasonal labourer
seasonality; seasonal
season's tidings; seasonal letter
Seasonal Affective Disorder; SAD
seasonal labor; seasonal labour
seasonal variation
seasonal adjustment
seasonal migration (of fish, etc.)
seasonal (weather) phenomenon
Examples (41 in total)
It's strawberry season.
Cold weather is coming.
I love cherry blossom season.