1. mechanism; organization; organisation
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (56 in total)
defence mechanism; defense mechanism
bureaucratic organization; bureaucracy
system of government; government structure
Warsaw Treaty Organization
distribution system
immune system
political structure or mechanism
logic device
reorganization; reorganisation; structural reform
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation; NATO
international organization
Higgs mechanism
Higgs mechanism
shift arithmetic unit
high-speed arithmetic unit (computer)
price mechanism
market mechanism
access mechanism; actuator
array processor; vector processor
cache memory organization
data medium protection device
pipeline processor; pipelining
markup minimization feature
RPS; Rotational Position Sensing
storage (device)
timer; clock register
International Organization for Standardization; ISO
main control unit
output unit; output device
connection-machine interface
punch (e.g. card, tape)
IDC; Integrated Disk Controller
communication control unit
DAT; Dynamic Address Translation
input-output unit; input-output device
input unit; input device
EDG; Exclusive Dispatching Group Facility
medium attachment unit; MAU
lever mechanism (in bicycle brakes, metal shears, etc.)
Examples (1 in total)
Something must be wrong with the machinery.