Verb (する)
1. expectation; anticipation; hope
Adjective (の)
2. promising; rising; up-and-coming
Pitch accent
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Used in vocabulary (15 in total)
expected value; expectation value; expectation
to live up to expectations; to meet expectations
as expected (positive events); as hoped for
Examples (55 in total)
I was expecting it!
Let's hope for the best.
Don't expect too much of me.
Let's hope for good results.
Don't expect too much of him.
Don't expect too much.
I expected that he would come.
We expect him to succeed.
His parents expect too much of him.
The result fell short of his expectation.
I'm looking forward to seeing you again.
We're expecting a good harvest this year.
We set out on our journey full of hope.
He will live up to his father's expectations.
John did even better than was expected.
I worked hard in expectation of promotion.
I expect that Tom will pass the exam.
We are banking on fine weather for the sports day.
It isn't any different from what I expected.
This is not the answer he was expecting.
She always expects me to help her.
He will never live up to his parent's expectations.
The movie was interesting, as I had expected.
The result fell short of our expectations.
He offered more than could be expected.
As was expected, he won the prize.
She is a lady and expects to be treated as such.
I expect you to work harder.
He asked me what I expected.
I hoped things would get better, but as it is, they are getting worse.
His response was contrary to our expectations.
I anticipate a good vacation.
The view from the mountain top far surpassed our expectations.
We expect him to show up on Saturday afternoon.
I expect you all to do your best.
Suzy hopes that Tom will ask her out.
The new government is expected to bring about a good number of administrative reforms.
That is what the British people expect of their Queen.
My parents expect me to enter the university.
If you study earnestly, you can expect to pass the exam.
Beth was looking forward to meeting him, but he never showed up.
I expected him to offer some help.
England expects that every man will do his duty.
Taking everything into consideration, the result is better than I expected.
I expect him to take care of my younger brother.
It is always difficult for a son to live up to the expectations of his parents.
It was clear that the lazy student would never live up to his family's expectations.
The police expect to apprehend the robber before nightfall.
It is hoped that this new policy will create jobs on a large scale.
We expected better terms.
The new law is expected to cut air pollution by 60%.
Office managers expect accuracy, efficiency, and dedication.
No one has shown up as yet, but we're expecting at least 50 students.
Since we can expect no help from others, let's try to do our best.
You're probably expecting Tom to arrive on time.