1. last moves (in go, shogi, or chess); endgame
2. gathering; collecting; coming together
Kanji used
get near
Pitch accent
Top 45400
Used in vocabulary (36 in total)
to press against each other; to huddle together
to allow (someone or something) to come near; to let get close
mishmash; miscellany; medley; jumble; mixture; odds and ends
to allow (someone or something) to come near; to let get close
to put together; to gather; to collect; to scrape together
to break on the shore and retreat (of a wave)
shifting (the burden) onto; ill effects; negative consequences; burden
attracting customers
carriage porch; entranceway; porte cochere
spiritualism; spiritism; channeling; medium; channeler
shifting (the burden) onto; ill effects; negative consequences; burden
attacking army
pot of chicken or seafood, and vegetables in a dashi broth, usu. cooked at the table (traditionally a winter meal); seafood and vegetable stew or chowder
gathering of people
(car) being run off the road
to rest or lean against
to rest or lean against
gathering place; labour camp for drifters, criminals, etc. (Edo period); entertainment hall (for rakugo, manzai, magic, music, etc.); vaudeville theater (theatre)
incoming wave; surf; swash; comber; beachcomber
piling up or covering with earth
birdcall; birdcalling
medley (of food, songs, etc.); (snow or sand) drift
small fence to keep out people and horses
formal tea gathering; formal tea party
aggregation of names, addresses, etc.; collation of accounts held by the same person (by financial institutions)
hipped roof; hip roof; hipped roof construction; hip roof construction
right-aligned; right-justified
west wind in the early spring (traditionally on the night of the 20th day of the second month of the lunar calendar); (lit.) wind that blows seashells ashore
entertainment hall (for rakugo, manzai, magic, music, etc.); vaudeville theater (theatre); music hall
medley (of food, songs, etc.); (snow or sand) drift
dictionary of seasonal words (for haiku and haikai)
on the plea of; under the pretext of
spiritism; necromancy; sorcery
left-aligned; left-justified
Itayose method; method of trading employed on Japanese exchanges