Adjective (な)
1. strange; odd; peculiar; queer; curious
Pitch accent
Composed of
strange; unconventional; eccentric; odd; odd number
strange; weird; wonder; mystery; cleverness; adroitness
Used in vocabulary (1 in total)
very odd; very curious
Examples (56 in total)
What a strange story!
This is a little weird.
It was a strange experience.
She dreamed a strange dream.
I don't think that's strange.
He was thinking strange thoughts.
His story is strange, but it's believable.
He had a queer expression on his face.
He has strange ideas.
This is a very strange letter.
A curious disease struck the town.
She had a strange hat on.
Strange things have happened around here.
I heard a funny noise.
A strange thing happened last night.
He behaves in a very strange fashion.
It's strange that Tom hasn't come yet.
There was something strange about her.
It may sound strange, but it is true.
I saw a strange woman there.
I saw something strange in the sky.
His paintings seem strange to me.
I've never heard of such a strange story.
They saw a strange animal there.
Do you think it strange that I should live alone?
Strange things happened on her birthday.
Please interpret my strange dreams.
Suddenly, he heard a strange sound.
Did you ever hear of such a strange custom?
I heard a strange sound in the dead of night.
Picasso's paintings seem strange to me.
English has an odd phonology and an odd orthography.
Strange as it may sound, this is true.
Strange as it may sound, it is still fact.
The old man told me a strange story.
I cannot account for this strange happening.
Little is known of this curious plant.
Oddly, she had suddenly disappeared.
Strangely, the number of students is decreasing each year.
Who designed this strange building?
Strange as it is, the story is true.
I was bewildered at the sight of his strange behavior.
Oddly enough, he insisted on his innocence.
The surface of the peculiar object is fairly rough.
All this may sound strange, but it is true.
It may sound strange, but what she said is true.
How did such a strange thing come about?
It may sound strange, but what he said is true.
I've never come across such a strange case.
What you have said reminds me of a strange experience I had a few years ago.
He heard a strange sound and sprang out of bed.
People came to see the strange animal in the zoo, one after another.
The scientist explained the strange phenomena in the light of recent scientific knowledge.
He was making a speech, but he abruptly stopped speaking when he heard a strange noise.
The town was flooded with strange foreign languages.
It seemed strange that the door was open when I got home.