Adjective (の)
Verb (する)
1. relation; connection; relevance
Pitch accent
Composed of
barrier; gate
two reams (of paper); 1000 sheets (of paper); stanza; verse; tribe (in taxonomy); forecast (bet); bet which predicts the top 2 finishers (i.e. quinella or perfecta bet)
Used in vocabulary (30 in total)
relatedness; associativity; relation; relationship; relevance
to connect; to correlate; to associate; to relate; to link
affiliated company; affiliated business
Examples (16 in total)
These facts are mutually related.
The youth was arrested for being involved in a riot.
This question is closely related to that one.
I'd like to read some books about the Beatles.
Is there a connection between smoking and lung cancer?
There is an old story about a Persian cat.
Do you have anything to say in connection with this?
Wages vary in relation to the age of the worker.
You should choose a job in relation to your talents and interests.
He repeatedly checked the mountain of related documents.
The police arrested a suspect in connection with the robbery.
Snoring and excessive smoking are indeed related.
Crime has often been related to poverty.
He was later charged with attempted terrorism-related murder and for his participation in a terrorist group.
He didn't doubt that Ben had something to do with the crime.
Haiku are closely related to the seasons of the year.