1. concern; interest
Pitch accent
Composed of
barrier; gate
heart; mind; bottom of one's heart; core (of one's character); centre; center; heart (organ)
Used in vocabulary (11 in total)
to be interested in; to take an interest in; to care about
apathetic; indifferent
matter of concern and interest
Examples (33 in total)
Do you have any interest in sports?
What are you interested in?
Jack is interested in painting.
My uncle has a deep interest in art.
I'm not interested in detective novels at all.
Everybody was interested in the story.
He is not interested in art at all.
I am deeply interested in art.
A lot of people are interested in camping.
Tom isn't interested in art at all.
I am not interested in material gain.
He is very much interested in biology.
Thank you for your interest in our company.
She was not interested in boys at all.
What kind of theme are you interested in?
They are not interested in saving money.
I'm more interested in speaking French.
Are you interested in buying an encyclopedia?
That depends on whether you are interested or not.
You need to show a genuine interest in the other person.
I told him of our plans, but he seemed uninterested.
In general, young people today are not interested in politics.
She talked about the people and things that interested her.
She gives the impression of not caring much about anything.
Their central concern was to have a big car.
As time went on, people grew less and less concerned about the matter.
Every great writer seems to have been interested in English.
His mother tried to cultivate her son's interest in art.
Attention should be paid to even the smallest detail of the report.
Our chief concern should be the aging of society.
My interest in politics is strictly academic.
More students are interested in finance than in industry.
Our interest converges on that point.