Adjective (の)
Verb (する)
1. relation; relationship; connection
2. participation; involvement; concern
3. influence; effect
Verb (する)
4. sexual relations; sexual relationship
5. related to; connected to
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (124 in total)
unrelated; irrelevant; unconcerned; unconnected
person concerned; people involved (in an event); those concerned; staff
unrelated; irrelevant; unconcerned; unconnected
consequence; causal relationship; nexus
(establish) friendly (cordial) relations (with, between); (form) friendship (e.g. with a nation)
human relations; personal relationships
relationship; relation
cooperative relation; cooperative relationship; collaborative relationships; cooperative structure; cooperative ties; cooperative alliance
relationship of mutual trust; fiduciary relation
one's relationships; people one knows; circle of friends
to have a relationship; to have relations
pecking order; hierarchical relationship; vertical relationship; hyponymy
balance of power (in a relationship); power dynamic
love triangle; eternal triangle
the relation of master to servant
love affair; love relationship
interests; stake
close connection; deep involvement; close relationship
hostile relations; hostile relationship
blood relationship; blood relations; being genetically related
male-female relationships; relations between the sexes; sexual relations
relations with women
sexual relations; physical relations; carnal relations
parent-child relationship
personal relations
all facts (of a case)
background (of a case, incident, etc.)
marital relationship; marital relations
marital relationship
correlation; interrelation; intertwining
complicity (in a crime); collusion
relations with women
relations; members of extended family
improvement of relations; rapprochement
diplomatic relations
relationships with the opposite sex
mutual relationship; interrelationship; interaction
to relate to; to connect with
relation by marriage
international relations
context (of a passage)
tense relationship; tense relations; strained relations; strained ties; tension
relevant documents; (all) the documents related (to the matter)
strengthening of relations
the concerned government agencies; the ministries and agencies that are relevant to the matter at hand; the relevant authorities
to whom it may concern
sexual relations; sexual relationship
dependence (relationship); dependency (relationship)
finance-related; financial
relationship between Japan and the United States; Japanese-American relations
social relationship; social context
cooperative relationship; partnership
de facto marriage; common-law marriage; living together as husband and wife without formal marriage
bilateral relations; relationship between two countries
relevant source; well-informed source; interested parties
power relations; balance of power (between)
reciprocal relationship; mutually beneficial relations; relationship with benefits to both parties
(having) a close relationship (with)
competitive relationship
the authorities concerned; the competent authorities
foreign (international) relations; diplomacy; external affairs
relationship of equality; (being) on an equal footing
extremely close relationship; collusive relationship
affiliate (company, organization); concerned bodies; interested organizations
government agencies concerned with ...
competitive relationship; rivalry
relative adverb
hierarchical relation
affected party; party concerned
semantic relation
paradigmatic relation
love-hate relationship
correlation coefficient
good neighborly relations; good neighbourly relations
relations between Taiwan and China
related laws and regulations
relationship of being natural enemies
labor relations adjustment law (labour)
comparative relation
consecutive relation
equivalence relation
relations with America; relationship with America
associative relationship; federated relationship; paradigmatic relation
constructive relationship
Japan-India relations
relational theory of meaning
relational operator
relational management
relation indicator
formal relation
generic relation
coordinate relation
part-whole relation; partitive relation
associative relation
paradigmatic relation
syntagmatic relation
syntagmatic relation
syntagmatic relation
Council of Ministers for Global Environment Conservation
Public Corporation and Government Enterprise Labor Relations Law (1949)
National Enterprise Labor Relations Law (1986)
Act on Labor Relationship of Specified Independent Administrative Agency, etc. (2002)
Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
relational database
relation algebra; relational algebra
identity relation
cross-strait relations; relations between mainland China and Taiwan
Examples (66 in total)
Everything is connected.
The whole world was involved in the war.
We have broken off relations with them.