1. mistake; error; blunder
2. accident; mishap; trouble
3. improper conduct (e.g. between man and woman); indiscretion
Kanji used
different therefore wrong
Pitch accent
Top 1200
Composed of
time; pause; space; room
difference; distinction; discrepancy; mistake; error
Used in vocabulary (9 in total)
certain; sure; doubtless; I have no doubt; You can depend on it; It's a safe bet
certain; sure; doubtless
Examples (118 in total)
I don't want to make a mistake.
It's a common mistake.
I've corrected the mistake.
It might not be a mistake.
What kind of mistakes did you make?
I realized it was a mistake.
That's altogether wrong.
Don't make such a mistake.
Admit your mistakes.
I made a foolish mistake.
There's no mistake about it.
Don't be afraid of making mistakes.
It was the biggest mistake of my life.
Don't make the same mistake again.
This is, strictly speaking, a mistake.
If you're wrong, I'm wrong, too.
We may have made a mistake.
He was not conscious of his own mistake.
The teacher took notice of the student's mistake.
It was a mistake on their part.
He couldn't convince her of her mistake.
The report turned out to be false.
He was conscious of his mistake.
This book is full of mistakes.
Everybody makes mistakes once in a while.
It's not a serious mistake.
There appears to have been a mistake.
You seem to have the wrong number.
We sometimes make mistakes.
You make mistakes if you do things in a hurry.
This is a mistake that students often make.
You're always making mistakes.
It was a mistake to refuse his assistance.
As is often the case with him, he made a mistake.
Tom noticed the mistake immediately.
I nearly made a mistake.
This kind of mistake is easy to overlook.
You made the mistake on purpose, didn't you?
Don't repeat such a careless mistake.
There is no doubt that it was an organised crime.
Your paper contains too many mistakes.
We are sorry for his mistake.
Everyone makes mistakes at times.
Her English composition has few mistakes.
He discovered that he had made a mistake.
He keeps making the same mistake.
There was no mistake on his part.
He always makes the same mistake.
I'm sorry about my mistake.
She made the same mistake as before.
It is rare that he should make such a mistake.
I realized that it was a mistake.
This failure is due to your mistake.
I must have made a mistake.
I came to regret my mistake.
You should avoid making such a mistake.
Did you make that mistake on purpose?
The teacher pointed out the students' mistakes.
I made a serious mistake on the test.
It was stupid of me to make such a mistake.
Everybody blames me for my careless mistake.
This sentence contains several mistakes.
There are few mistakes in your report.
It is interesting that no one noticed that mistake.
If you see a mistake, then please correct it.
This answer may not necessarily be wrong.
It was silly of you to make such a mistake.
You had better not repeat such an error.
You continue making the same mistakes time after time.
This mistake is due to his carelessness.
He has made the same mistake twice.
There are few mistakes in your composition.
It appears that you have made a foolish mistake.
If he makes one more mistake, he'll be fired.
Strictly speaking, this sentence is not grammatical.
Mr Gomez didn't excuse me for my mistake.
You have made the very same mistake again.
I don't like to make mistakes.
She tried to hide her mistake from us.
Many people have made the same mistake.
You must avoid making such mistakes.
It is clear that he has made a big mistake.
I made a big mistake in choosing my wife.
We couldn't convince him of his mistakes.
I am to blame for this mistake.
This book has a number of mistakes, but it's interesting.
Even a teacher can make mistakes.
Jack made no mistakes in the math test.
If you find a mistake, please let me know right away.
I assure you that an error like this will never happen again.
I am afraid he will make a mistake.
This is a good report, except for this mistake.
He was not about to admit his mistake.
If that man makes one more mistake, I'll fire him.
People who are afraid of making mistakes will make no progress in English conversation.
A native speaker corrected my mistakes.
The teacher pointed out the grammatical errors made by the students.
Having been written in a hurry, this letter has many mistakes in it.
A teacher should never make fun of a student who makes a mistake.
Being written in great haste, this letter has quite a few mistakes.
The students are apt to make the same mistakes.
He makes mistakes every time he speaks English.
I think it was a mistake that he didn't take my advice.
Even Japanese can make mistakes when they speak Japanese.
As far as I know, he has never made such a mistake.
Correct the mistake and return the file to Mr Luxemburg.
Even the cleverest man sometimes makes mistakes.
I thought it was a mistake to tell Tom where we buried the treasure.
You must be more careful to avoid making a gross mistake.
I think he's making a big mistake by turning down the job.
No matter how often I tell her, she keeps making the same mistake.
I may have made some minor mistakes in translation.
It's a good paper, apart from a few spelling mistakes.
The number of mistakes is ten at most.
The computer can detect 200 types of error.
This book is very good except for a few mistakes.
He made ten mistakes in as many pages.
It took him only a few minutes to realize his mistakes.