1. look; appearance
2. spectacle; sight
3. observation meditation
4. outlook on ...; view of ...
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (83 in total)
inspection visit
point of view
idea; notion; sense (e.g. of duty); resignation; preparedness; observation and contemplation
sense of values; values; value system
overlooking; turning a blind eye
taking a philosophic view; looking at the long term; farsightedness
pessimism; disappointment
fine view; beautiful sight
historical viewpoint
naval review
observation; survey; watching
audience; spectator; spectators
watching a (sports) game; spectating; observing (military operations)
audience seating; (spectator) stands; auditorium; stadium
outward appearance; exterior appearance; outward show; looks
world view; outlook on the world; Weltanschauung (philosophy); appearance of a world (e.g. in fiction)
subjectivity; subject (philosophical); ego; one's personal opinion; one's own idea
spectators; onlookers; members of the audience
watchful waiting; careful supervision
preconception; preconceived notion; prejudice
moon viewing (esp. during the eight month of the lunar calendar)
magnificent spectacle; thrilling sight; grand view
admiration; appreciation; enjoyment; viewing (for pleasure)
ethics; ethical viewpoint; moral value; sense of duty; sense of ethics
ornamental (foliage) plant; houseplant
theatre-going; theater-going
objectivity; objective; object (philosophical)
view of life
visit; inspection
one's opinion on (life and) death
one's view on love; one's philosophy of love
general view; outline
historical view; view of history (from a given point of view)
see; inspect; visit
minding; watching; looking out; guarding
wonderful sight
broad overview; general survey
meditation; contemplation
view of marriage; outlook on marriage; attitude towards marriage
account of a (sports) game
introspection; view from the inside; interior appearance; implication
sense of the vanity of life; perception of the evanescence of life
one's outlook on the universe
broad view; big picture; wide perspective
pessimistic view of life; pessimism
magnificent sight
perspective on nature
one's view (opinion) of women
general survey
observation point (site)
observer; spectator
one's view (opinion) of men
contemplation of phenomena
inspection (of troops)
one's opinion on life and death; life-and-death issue (e.g. in religion)
optimistic view of life; optimism
former state; former appearance
viewing all things as undifferentiated and equal; non-discriminative thought; contemplation of the equality of all things from the standpoint of emptiness
(one's) view on work; (one's) opinion on work-life balance
(meterological) observation
Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva); Avalokitesvara; Kannon; Kwannon; Guanyin; Buddhist deity of compassion
Taoist temple
one's views on the family; family values
Kannō era (of the Northern Court) (1350.2.27-1352.9.27); Kan'ō era
one-sided view
viewing noh; seeing a noh play; going to a noh theater
type of audience
Short-Term Economic Survey of Enterprises in Japan (Bank of Japan's quarterly economic survey); Tankan survey
contemplating Buddha
Samantabhadra Contemplation Sutra
small garden best enjoyed while sitting at a fixed viewing point
contemplation (on Amida Buddha, the Pure Land, etc.)
anticipation of a fall (in prices); prediction of a price drop
observable (quantity)
one's views on occupations (careers, jobs, etc.)
Examples (3 in total)
I'd like to go to the movies with her.
This is Japan as Americans see it.
Today I'll go to the cinema with Tom's brother.