Adjective (の)
1. environment; circumstance
Pitch accent
Composed of
ring; band; ring; circum-
border; boundary; area; region; psychological state; mental state
Used in vocabulary (120 in total)
environmental conservation
one's family (home) background (environment)
one's (living) environment
Examples (36 in total)
Humans shape the environment.
Man is a product of his environment.
Solar energy does not threaten the environment.
Is this really good for the environment?
It's a good place to raise children.
Some factories pollute the environment.
The school is situated in healthy surroundings.
This neighborhood is a good place to raise children.
The destruction of the rainforests affects our environment.
The destruction of the ozone layer affects the environment.
He soon got used to the new surroundings.
Children are quick to accustom themselves to new surroundings.
Our character is affected by the environment.
Our lives are determined by our environment.
The lives of most people are determined by their environment.
Our school is surrounded by a healthy environment.
He quickly accustomed himself to his new surroundings.
We must rescue the environment from pollution.
The family assimilated quickly into their new environment.
June fifth is World Environment Day.
We must try to protect the environment.
They stressed protection of the environment.
She grew up in the harsh environment of New York City.
We are influenced both by environment and by heredity.
There are a number of things we can do to protect our environment.
Germans are very environmentally conscious.
The servant gradually adjusted to his new surroundings.
Initially I found it difficult to deal with my new environment.
As is often said, it is difficult to adjust yourself to a new environment.
They moved to New York, but adapted easily to their new surroundings.
Every experiment required a protected environment and an entirely objective frame of mind.
Until quite recently, people in developed countries didn't care much about the environment.
It's evident that human behaviour is more dangerous for the environment than radiation.
Complaining about something is one way to adapt yourself to a new environment.
They think it is necessary to study the school system and educational environment of Japan.
Nature provides other forms of protection against environmental dangers.