Verb (する)
1. being deeply moved emotionally; excitement; passion; inspiration; deep emotion; strong impression
Pitch accent
Composed of
feeling; sensation; emotion; interjection
Used in vocabulary (4 in total)
moving; touching; stirring
unimpressive; unimpressed
Examples (28 in total)
You're impressed, aren't you?
I was moved by his tears.
I admire you for your courage.
Her story touched my heart.
I was moved by the music.
The congregation was moved by the fine sermon.
He was deeply moved by the story.
I was very impressed by his story.
I was deeply touched by the story.
I was deeply moved by that novel.
They could not help being touched by the sight.
I was very moved by his story.
Her affectionate letter moved me.
All the people were moved by his speech.
His speech deeply affected the audience.
I was deeply affected by his speech.
His sad story touched my heart.
All the people present were moved by his speech.
The speech deeply affected the audience.
Those present were all moved to tears.
I was moved by her love for other people.
So great was his emotion that he could not utter a word.
You are certain to be moved deeply by the movie.
The story of his brave struggle affected us deeply.
Such was his eloquence that everybody was moved to tears.
As she sang with all her heart, the audience was deeply moved.
The little girl, deeply moved by the old man's pitiful story, burst into tears.
Tom played a waltz on the piano using only his thumbs and Mary was very impressed.