Adjective (の)
1. emotion; feeling; feelings; sentiment
Pitch accent
Composed of
feeling; sensation; emotion; interjection
feelings; emotion; compassion; sympathy; passion; affection
Used in vocabulary (19 in total)
emotional; sentimental
apathy; indifference; listlessness; athymia
amorous feelings; feeling of being in love
negative emotions; negative feelings
expressing emotion; drawing facial expressions
ill feeling; ill will; animosity; bad impression
argument based on emotion; sentimental argument
to suppress one's emotions
national mood; national sentiment; national feeling
to hurt someone's feelings; to offend someone
effusiveness; gushing; shrillness
to act on one's emotions; to be carried away by one's feelings; to get emotional
emotional person
feeling of antipathy (rivalry); antagonistic sentiment
feeling (sentiment) toward Japan
Examples (32 in total)
Man is a creature of emotion.
Have respect for his feelings.
He appealed to our emotions.