Verb (する)
1. completion; conclusion
2. perfect (tense, form, aspect)
Pitch accent
Composed of
The End; Finis; completion; conclusion; providing fully
finish; completion; the end
Used in vocabulary (15 in total)
after completion
perfect tense
incomplete; unfinished; imperfect
Examples (12 in total)
The download is complete.
The installation is complete.
Is everybody ready?
I cannot finish my work today.
We should be able to complete the work in five days.
When will you complete the preparations?
Mailing complete. I leave the rest to you, postman!
The house with the damaged roof has been repaired.
It goes without saying that it was supremely difficult to carry out this mission.
American forces announced the completion of their mission in Iraq.
Give me five minutes to finish the last adjustments.
I intend to take a month's vacation on completion of this work.