Verb (する)
1. calculation; computation; counting; reckoning; count
2. bill; check; account; payment (of a bill); settlement (of an account)
3. consideration; allowance
Pitch accent
Composed of
perception; intuition; the sixth sense
certainty; reality; regular; permanent; samadhi (state of intense concentration achieved through meditation)
Used in vocabulary (41 in total)
bill (e.g. at a restaurant); check
profit-and-loss arithmetic; calculating profit and loss; mercenary point of view
chief financial official (Edo period); commissioner of finance; chief treasurer; chief accountant in a daimyo's service (Muromachi period)
counting the revenues and expenditures; counting the gains and losses
rough estimate; sloppy accounting; slapdash bookkeeping
cashier's counter
cashier's desk; counter (where you pay in a store); cash desk
counting on the abacus; cost-benefit calculation; profit calculation
final settlement
balance (of an account); striking a balance
profit and loss account
counting "stars" to tally the score to date; how well something has gone (e.g. in terms of wins over losses)
separate account
capital account
account name; account title
calculating, profit-or-loss mentality
calculating, profit-or-loss mentality
rough estimate; mental arithmetic
capital personal account; investor account; investor's account; stockholders equity
one's financial standing
accounts receivable
each paying for his own account; sharing the expenses; Dutch treat
cashier; accountant; treasurer
bill collector
paying in advance
suspense account
secret account
revolving account
credit account; charge account
bill or account payable
splitting the bill so that the others end up paying the whole amount; wheedling the others into paying the whole bill
Dutch treat; going Dutch
discretionary account (in securities)
outstanding account; unpaid account
accounts receivable
Examples (5 in total)
I'll pay the bill.
The bill was paid in coin.
She insisted on my paying the bill.