to be pleased with; to be to one's liking
to win the favour of (favor); to be acknowledged (e.g. by a superior); to measure up to
to serve one's aim; to serve one's purpose
if possible; if it is in my power; if it was realistic
to satisfy (one); to meet (one's) desire
to have one's wish realized; to have one's wish realised
to win the favour of (favor); to be acknowledged (e.g. by a superior); to measure up to
to be pleased with; to be to one's liking
to live up to (one's) expectations
if possible; if it is in my power; if it was realistic
to serve one's aim; to serve one's purpose
to satisfy (one); to meet (one's) desire
to conform to the rules of etiquette
to live up to (one's) expectations