Verb (する)
1. study; scholarship; learning; education; knowledge
2. discipline; branch of learning; (a) science
Pitch accent
Composed of
learning; scholarship; study; study of ...; -ology; -ics
Used in vocabulary (12 in total)
ignorant and illiterate; uneducated and illiterate; uneducated and illiterate person
pick-up knowledge; second-hand knowledge; hearsay
scholar; student
scholar monk
there are no shortcuts in learning
imperfect (superficial) knowledge
encouragement of learning
putting on a knowing air when one only knows the title of the book (play, etc.); pretending to understand the nature of something when one only knows its name
knowledge gained (information acquired) from newspapers
superficial learning; book learning; merely knowing the meanings of a large number of individual words
useless learning
Examples (11 in total)
A little learning is a dangerous thing.
She has a love of learning.
Learning should not be forced. Learning should be encouraged.