1. student (esp. a university student)
Pitch accent
Composed of
learning; scholarship; study; study of ...; -ology; -ics
life; living
Used in vocabulary (41 in total)
junior high school student; middle school pupil
school uniform
overseas student; exchange student
Examples (200 in total)
I'm a student, too.
She is a student.
Are you a student?
I'm just a student.
They're all students.
What school do you go to?
You're a student, too, aren't you?
We are students.
I am a student.
Are you students?
Sue is an American student.
Patty is a smart student.
I'm not a student.
Both you and I are students.
You are not a student.
All three of us are students.
Are you a Japanese student?
She is an earnest student.
She is an excellent student.
The students have returned.
The students were asking questions one after the other.
You're nothing but a student.
Emily is not a student.
I'm just a poor student.
Marie is a naive student.
He is a medical student.
Half the students were absent.
You are a good student.
He is a lazy student.
Tom is a good student, isn't he?
He expelled the students from the room.
He is nothing but a student.
That's a student my father teaches.
This is a store that caters specially to students.
This student's books are new.
Excuse me, are you a student here?
Dozens of students gathered there.
I met him when I was a student.
I'm going to meet a certain student.
You're a student here, aren't you?
He is a very nice student.
The teacher was surrounded by her students.
Are you students at this school?
All the students attended the party.
Almost every student failed the exam.
He's often mistaken for a student.
He's just an ordinary student.
Good students study hard.
He wanted to be respected by the students.
Several students came to the library.
All the students come from the US.
I met a party of students on the street.
Sakura is a smart student.
All the students will partake in the play.
Most students wore masks.
Most students study hard.
This is a mistake that students often make.
Many students have part-time jobs.
Most students like sports.
The student insulted the teacher.
Students have access to these computers.
If you are a student, behave as such.
This is true of students.
Most students come to school on foot.
Many students took part in the contest.
Students are apt to waste time.
The audience consisted mainly of students.
I am a student, but my older brother is a company employee.
The students performed Hamlet.
Are you a teacher here or a student?
The student left without saying anything.
"Are you students?" "Yes, we are."
All of the students at school know me.
Are you a student or are you working?
She was chosen from among many students.
Those students work hard, don't they?
The students studying over there are my friends.
No, I'm not a teacher. I'm just a student.
At that time, I was still a student.
A considerable number of students want to go to college.
I don't lend my books to any of the students.
You're not even a student here.
I have fewer students in my class this year than last year.
"Are you a Japanese student?" "Yes, I am."
These books are accessible to all students.
Some students don't like wearing uniforms.
She is a student who studies very hard.
How many students are there in your university?
The number of students who come late to class has lately been increasing.
How do you assess your students?
The number of students going overseas has been increasing lately.
The committee is composed of five students.
All the students are fed up with his lecture.
All of us students like baseball.
The teacher made the students do a lot of homework.
Not all the students were present.
Most of the other students wore trendy clothes.
The teacher handed the student a copy of the newspaper.
I came into frequent contact with foreign students.
Students should develop their reading skills.
Students must keep silent during class.
The student center is a good place to strike up conversations.
The teacher gave in to the students' demands.
These regulations ought to be observed by the students.
Technically he is still a student.
There was no objection on the part of the students.
We took offense at the student's attitude.
The student ordered the book from New York.
The teacher assembled the students in the hall.
The students sat still all the time.
This dictionary is of great use for students.
Soccer is very popular among Japanese students.
Quite a few students are absent today.
Tennis is very popular among students.
The students chose her to be the chairman.
The two students parted when they reached the corner.
The students learned many poems by heart.
I asked the student what image he had of black people.
You students are supposed to be diligent.
The president addressed his students as follows.
Students are impatient for the summer holidays to come.
The speech made by the student was interesting.
The teacher criticized his students' compositions.
The student who is talking with John is from Canada.
They are the only students who study Chinese.
Make your students read books that make them think more.
We students are now at our best.
Not every student went there yesterday.
This classroom can accommodate only thirty students.
The teacher had to evaluate all the students.
The professor treated her as one of his students.
All students have access to the library.
A student from America lives near my house.
The students were all looking forward to summer vacation.
I know some students in that school.
Some students were sitting on the bench and having lunch.
There are no students who can speak English well.
Strangely, the number of students is decreasing each year.
I intend to hammer this idea into the students' heads.
The students are talking about language and culture.
He works as hard as any student.
The students assisted the professor in the investigation.
Every student passed the driving test.
None of the girls are students.
Many students go to Europe for the purpose of studying music.
The students rebelled against the government.
This textbook is intended for foreign students.
Few students use pencils these days.
Not all the students attended the meeting.
There are ten thousand students in this university.
This is an error common among Japanese students.
They are very proud of being students of that college.
Students came of their own accord to help the villagers.
Many students have a car of their own nowadays.
The names of the students who failed in the examination were posted on the bulletin board.
Some students neglect their studies in favor of sports.
The students demonstrated against the new government.
I remember reading that book when I was a student.
I often wrote to her when I was a student.
The students wanted us to help push the car.
All the students recognized her as their representative.
The students around her were talking about the test.
The students are apt to make the same mistakes.
This is such an easy problem as any student can solve.
Some of the students went by bus, and others on foot.
"Haven't we met somewhere before?" asked the student.
He couldn't get his ideas across to the students.
"Did you hear the lecture in that class yesterday?" asked the student.
Students should make the most of their free time.
"Are you a model? Or an actress?" "No. I'm just a student."
The number of students going abroad to study is increasing each year.
I think that Japanese students are very good at gathering knowledge.
The students discussed the plan for many hours.
"Are you a model or an actor?" "No, I'm just a student."
They hate him because he gives them a mountain of homework.
The teacher affirmed the decision of the student council.
Neither of those two students passed the test.
The student who failed the English exam was cheered up by his friend's words.
The bell rang. The teacher told the students to hand in the papers.
There are many more students in the classroom today than yesterday.
There were hardly any teachers at the school that students could talk to.
A student raised his hand when the teacher finished the reading.
I like this song. When I was a student, I often used to hum it to myself.
As far as I know, he is the shortest student in this school.
When I was a student, I used to go to that pizza parlor.
I have three sisters; one is a nurse and the others are students.
The student who finishes an examination first does not necessarily get the best grade.
Don't call that student a fool.
He is far in advance of the other students.
There are at least 500 students here.
As many as ten students stood up all at once.
The class consists of fifty students.
The number of students in the class is limited to fifteen.
I met him once when I was a student.
The group consists of 50 students in all.
There are forty-one teachers and about eight hundred students in this school.
What do Japanese students usually eat for lunch?
Some of the students like to play the guitar.
The student was kind enough to show me the way.
She rents the room to a student for seventy thousand yen a month.