1. horn; antler
2. antenna; feeler; tentacle (e.g. of a snail)
3. horn-like projection (e.g. peaks of whipped cream)
Pitch accent
Top 32400
Used in vocabulary (23 in total)
spiked helmet
horned lizard; horned toad
red algae
horned melon (Cucumis metuliferus); kiwano; African horned cucumber; jelly melon
ceratopsian (any quadrupedal herbivorous dinosaur of infraorder Ceratopsia)
bride's head-dress
bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis)
constant quarreling; constant quarrelling; bickering; wrangling
cornucopia; horn of plenty
Horn of Africa
Japanese hazel (Corylus sieboldiana)
dinoflagellate of genus Ceratium
nipplefruit; apple of Sodom (Solanum mammosum); titty fruit; cow's udder
Persian carpet flatworm (Pseudobiceros bedfordi); Bedford's flatworm
cerastes; horned viper; horned adder
cerastes; horned viper; horned adder
owlfly (any insect of family Ascalaphidae); owl fly
kanji "horn" radical at left
cerastes; horned viper; horned adder
leaves used for serving or offering sake, rice, etc.
hiragana character "i"; hiragana character "hi"