Verb (する)
1. conviction; belief; confidence
Pitch accent
Composed of
certain; definite
honesty; sincerity; trust; reliance; (religious) faith; devotion
Used in vocabulary (1 in total)
crime of conscience; premeditated crime; act carried out while knowing that it should not be
Examples (43 in total)
I'm quite sure of that.
We're confident of our victory.
Are you absolutely sure?
I just wanted to be sure.
I'm sure of the fact.
I'm sure that you'll succeed.
I was sure of it.
I am convinced of her innocence.
I'm sure that she will come back soon.
We are sure of his success.
She is confident of her son's success.
He convinced me that I was in the wrong.
Unfortunately, I'm not sure she'll succeed.
We are firmly confident of victory.
I am convinced of your innocence.
How can we be sure of his honesty?
We are all convinced that he's guilty.
Her smile convinced him that she was happy.
She was sure the man was telling a lie.
He is confident that he will pass the examination.
At first everybody was convinced of his innocence.
She may be a nurse. I am not sure.
I'm sure everything will turn out all right in the end.
He was convinced of the necessity of learning it.
I'm not so sure Tom is wrong.
I'm sure he won't fail to keep his word.
I'm confident that there won't be a world war.
The police are convinced that Tom didn't die from natural causes.
I think he's coming, but I'm not quite sure.
You will soon be convinced that I am right.
I am convinced that he did nothing wrong.
He is sure of succeeding in the experiment.
I'm sure that they will pass the test.
I think it certain that she will succeed as a singer.
He was sure that he would make a new discovery some day.
We're confident that you are up to the challenge of the new position.
I am uncertain as to whether I am the right person for the job.
You can be sure that the money you give them will be put to good use.
Never teach a child anything of which you are not yourself sure.
I am uncertain whether this is a thing of value.
He is a hard worker, and I'm sure that he will succeed in that new job.
But I'm not sure whether it brings happiness to everybody.
I am sure I saw her two years ago.