1. status; position; rank
2. method; way; style
3. rule; regulation; law
4. grammatical case
5. figure (syllogism)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (76 in total)
character (of a person); personality; disposition; characteristics; nature (of a thing, event, etc.)
fighting game (usu. one-on-one)
original method or procedure; serious; orthodox; classical
strict; severe; stern; rigid; rigorous; tough
formality; social rules; social status; social standing; (arch.) amendments and enforcement regulations (of the ritsuryo)
personality; character; individuality; personhood
physique; constitution
qualitative difference; disparity; gap
saying; maxim; aphorism; proverb
qualifications; requirements; capabilities
success; passing (e.g. exam); eligibility
price; value; cost
dramatic (improvement); remarkable (difference); marked; (far) better; exceptional
higher rank; better position
personality; style; appearance
extraordinary; special; exceptional; non-standard grammatical construction; ungrammatical usage; solecism
martial arts which involve fighting without weapons; combat sport; one-on-one fighting sport
leader; leading figure
the same rank; equality; apposition
lower rank
cheap; reasonable
hand-to-hand combat
family status
dignity; quality; grace; panache; level
rating; classification; allocation; grading
disqualification; unfitness; noncompliance
status elevation; upgrading; promotion
demotion; downgrading
tone (of speech, writing, etc.); style
low price
one's whole personality
nominative case
martial arts which involve fighting without weapons; combat sport; one-on-one fighting sport
high price; heavy price
nonstandard; extraordinary; special
ceiling or fixed price
maxim; personal standard
case-marking particle (e.g. "ga", "no", "wo", "ni")
irregularity; irregular conjugation; translative
estimated price; price estimate
objective case
correct rules
possessive case
shrine ranking (abolished in 1946); company ranking
legal personality; juridical personality; corporate status; non-person legal entity
accusative case
case declension; case inflection
hypostasis; locative (case); adessive
status of a Buddhist temple
case of a noun
usage; rules of grammar
referee officiating bouts of san'yaku ranked wrestlers
referee officiating the lowest division
locative case; adessive case
unranked shrine
en quad
case theory
indispensable case
referee officiating at bouts of rank-and-file wrestlers in the highest division
referee officiating the second highest division
referee officiating the third highest division
referee officiating the third lowest sumo division
referee officiating the second lowest division
instrumental (case)
ergative verb
oblique case
genitive case; adnominal case
case-marking particle
case grammar
Examples (1 in total)
In Latin, there are six cases: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, ablative, and vocative.