Verb (する)
1. magnification; enlargement; expansion; amplification
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (28 in total)
broad interpretation
expansion of one's sphere of influence; increase in one's power (strength, influence)
spread of infection
boom; sudden expansion
expansion policy; road to expansion
reproduction on an enlarged or expanded scale
economic expansion; boom
rate of magnification; magnification power
market expansion
nonexpansion; localization; localisation; nonaggravation
expansion of armaments
extended family
military expansion
expansion of exports; export expansion
increase in (expansion of) demand
expansion of domestic demand
eastward expansion; eastward enlargement
an expanded or expanding equilibrium
sales promotion
expanded system of guilt by association in Japanese election law, which stipulates that an elected official may lose his position if someone in his campaign commits a crime
extended warranty
increased investment
expanding pipe; diffuser; expander; reducer
extrapolation; projection
extended real number
credit expansion
Examples (14 in total)
The Sahara Desert is expanding.
Recently communism has extended its power.
He expanded his research.