1. in addition; besides
Composed of
other (place, thing, person); the rest; outside; beyond; nothing except; nothing but
Used in vocabulary (5 in total)
furthermore; even more
else; in addition; on top of that; furthermore; further; besides
is there anything else?
Examples (45 in total)
I had no other choice.
What else do you remember?
Didn't anything else happen?
Do you have any more questions?
Was anybody else absent?
Where else would you like to go?
I had no choice but to stay.
Do you have any more suitcases?
Was there anything else in the room?
Is there anything else you remember?
Is there anything else you would like to eat?
Who else came to the party?
I don't have anything more to translate.
Was anybody else hurt?
I have no choice but to follow those orders.
She went shopping elsewhere.
Do you have any other hotels you would recommend?
In addition to English, he can speak French.
Are you taking any other medications?
Tom can speak German as well as English.
Was anyone else injured?
Is anybody else in the house?
I had no choice but to do what he asked.
No one else can fill that job.
He has some income in addition to his salary.
Who else can answer my question?
Who was at the party besides Jack and Mary?
We should not impose our opinions on other people.
The company pays me 100,000 yen in various allowances a month in addition to the regular salary.
There is no other choice.
I have something else to do.
I have other plans for tomorrow.
I can't do anything else.
No one else came to the meeting.
I'm too tired to do anything else.
Do you have any other guidebooks about Thailand?
There are five other guests at the hotel.
It's fine with just the two of us. We don't need anyone else.
So, what else did Tom tell you?
In addition to Chinese, my aunt can speak English.
Nothing can be worse than that.
Nobody else offered to help.
No other mountain in Japan is as high as Mt. Fuji.
If there's anything else you need, just let me know.
Three other people were singled out for special praise.